Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Poor Brianna

Brianna had a check up today and was given 4 shots and a finger poke, we weren't expecting that, but they have added vaccines that are recommended for kids now. She thought that she might have to get a tetanus, but not FOUR shots, she was brave though, and they gave her some cool purple bandages and a pink wrap for her finger.

We could not resist to snap a couple pics of Mt. Rainier while we were there, The view from the doctors parking lot is beautiful, the pictures don't do it justice.


jenn gent said...

Poor Brianna is right! Hopefully she won't be too sore for too long.

Great pics of the mountain!

Mary said...

The mountain has been gorgeous lately! We shot a few from that location also. I saw Patrick at Meeker Days. He's such a sweetheart to stop and say "Hi".

mindy said...

awesome picture of rainier!

Dan and Julie Mertlich said...

Now there's a mountain!!!

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