Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Random Pictures

Luke is getting good on his bike, Scott is so excited to get the training wheels off we have to keep reminding him that he is just 4!

Brianna after church-Say Cheese

Molly wanted all the pretties in her hair and was sad when we took them out.

Patrick's dream truck!

Brianna is on the Jag Team at school, She welcomed the incoming 10th graders the first day of school, they will have different activities through out the year.

She also tried out for the first school play- she finds out tomorrow if she is in it.

Patrick is building a rock wall in his yard, Luke came down to help, Patrick said that every time he looked up he had taken another piece of clothing off-first his hat then sunglasses then socks and shoe them his shirt-funny boy. Luke loves spending time with his Uncle Pat, last week they made and decorated a cake. I wish I would have taken a picture of it. It was quite interesting!(But it was yummy)

Hard working Luke.

Well Brianna and Donna are back to school and Scott has one more week working in Mossy Rock, Things have been going pretty smooth with everyone going there different directions. It sure was hard to get up and going those first few days. Here just a few random pictures.


jenn gent said...

Goofy Luke! Silly Molly! And Pretty Brianna!

love ya!

Mertlich said...

You forgot to mention,
Handsome Patrick!

jenn gent said...

Oops! And Handsome Patrick!

Cool truck!

mindy said...

hey, owen was riding a two wheeler when he was 3...not to brag or anything...

but then again, he also broke his arm when he was 3. and yesterday he got 8 stitches. don't rush it. but i will say, those injuries were not from the bike. all at the park!

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